When it comes to carrying essential items like cash, cards, and identification, having a reliable and secure wallet is crucial. With so many options available on the market, it can be challenging to find one that meets all of your...
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Faraday bags are becoming increasingly popular as a way to protect electronic devices from being tracked or hacked. These bags are made of a special material that blocks electromagnetic fields, effectively preventing any data from being transmitted or received. If...
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Imagine an invisible force capable of destroying every electrical device in its path, from smartphones and laptops to city power grids. This sounds like something straight out of a science fiction movie. But such a phenomenon is actually real; it’s...
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Apple AirTags are small Bluetooth-enabled homing beacons that are about the size of a poker chip and can be purchased for under $ 30. Apple introduced AirTags as a tool to keep track of personal items and with a recognition...
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As the global pandemic becomes more controllable and travel restrictions ease, many of us are eager to claim back our freedom and get moving again. Whether you are traveling internationally or sticking closer to home, in addition to taking continued...
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When the innovative British technology pioneer Kevin Ashton coined the term the “Internet of Things” (IOT) back in 1999, his vision was that computers would gather data independently by use of radio-frequency identification (RFID) and sensor technology, without the need...
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Cyberspace has become ever more entwined with physical reality, especially after the global pandemic forced a new population to work remotely. With every cutting-edge innovation that streamlines people’s lives comes new opportunities for bad actors to exploit the system. Knowing...
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Data blockers ensure that no eavesdroppers access private information Nowadays, personal and corporate information has become nomadic, traveling with individuals as they surf the Internet at home, at work, and on vacation. In a growing number of cases, they log...
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